How to Buy the Best Bagless Vacuum


Bagless vacs are available in a variety of types. They can handle any surface you throw at them. Moreover, such models allow you to save a ton of money on replacement bags.

That being said, choosing a bagless vacuum that suits your needs perfectly can be difficult. Keep reading if you want to find out more about the advantages and drawbacks of various bagless cleaners.

Types of Bagless Vacuums

For What

  • Pet hair

Collecting dog and cat fur is among the most complicated tasks for any vacuum cleaner. Thankfully, there’s a broad range of bagless vacuums available that possess the suction necessary for this job.

Moreover, a lot of models come with attachments that make picking up animal hair even easier. For instance, some vacs include turbo and upholstery tools designed specifically for this purpose.

Now, if you have big animals that shed a lot, then you should invest in a model with a larger tank capacity. If the dustbin isn’t big enough, it’ll fill up quickly. Thus, the vacuum will lose suction and efficiency.

  • Carpet

Out of all surface types, carpeting is the one that is hardest to clean. Hair and other debris tend to get stuck firmly between the fibers and can’t be picked up by handheld or robotic vacs.

Thus, if you’re searching for a bagless vac that works great on carpets and area rugs, it’s highly recommended to invest in an upright model.

Such vacs offer enough suction for deep cleaning. Moreover, most upright vacuums come with a motorized powerhead. These brushes excel at picking up debris from between the bristles. Once you’re done the cleaning, your carpet will look as good as new.

  • Hardwood floors

Finding a high-quality bagless vac for hardwood floors is simple. Such surfaces are far easier to clean and don’t require any special attachments. That’s why it’s wiser to purchase a canister vacuum for this purpose.

Canister vacs are great not only for cleaning hardwood surfaces but also because of the functionality they bring to the table. They have a better reach than upright models and are more efficient at getting under furniture.

Moreover, they have broad cleaning paths and long wands. These features are essential for cleaning hardwood floors in large rooms.

  • Laminate floors

Bagless cleaners for laminate floors are mostly used as a broom replacement. They excel at gliding over the surface and picking up dust while not leaving any scratches.

Moreover, such vacuums usually come with soft mop heads or roller brushes that make the cleaning process even gentler. As a result, your laminate is left sparkling and without any damage!

You can even further enhance the quality of your cleanups by purchasing a vacuum that comes with a steam mop. The only real drawback of such bagless cleaners is that they are suited only for hard floors and don’t go over carpeting well.


  • Cordless vacuums

If you’re thinking about purchasing a cordless vacuum, then bagless is the way to go. The bags for most handheld vacs have a small capacity but are very expensive. Meanwhile, dustbin cordless vacuums are cheaper and perfectly suited for modest cleaning needs.

Cordless models excel at getting into tight spaces and are ordinarily very lightweight. Moreover, such vacs are easy to store and clean. Another great feature of cordless vacuums is that they allow you to clean your car, backyard, and upholstery without having to deal with extension cords and power outlets.

  • Canister vacuums

Read More: Reviews of the Best Bagless Canister Vacuums 

Canister vacuums offer more versatility and are far more portable when compared to upright ones. Moreover, such models are lighter, which is very important for a lot of homemakers.

Despite their lightweight nature, canister vacs still employ a full-range motor. You only lose a fraction of the suction power but get to enjoy broader functionality.

Bagless canister vacuums are also useful if you need to clean stairs and upholstery. This is achieved thanks to the mobility of the main unit and the wand extensions included in most packages. The only drawback is that operating with long cords and hoses can sometimes be irritating.

  • Upright vacuums

The specific features and number of attachments of upright vacuums vary depending on the price. However, there’s one thing all stick vacs have in common – suction power. Such models are the best option for deep cleaning, especially if you have multiple carpets in your house.

Most bagless upright vacs have a special lever for changing the angle of the unit. It allows you to get under furniture with less of a hassle. We should also mention the bigger dustbin capacity of stick vacs. It enables you to clean the entire house without emptying the container.

  • Lightweight vacuums

Lightweight bagless vacs can be purchased in the form of either a canister, upright, or handheld model. Such vacuums are primarily designed for people who have multi-level houses.

After all, carrying 15 pounds up and down the stairs is no easy job. That’s why it’s recommended to sacrifice some of the power provided by regular vacuums for the sake of your health.

Moreover, some more expensive lightweight options on the market still offer enough suction to clean carpeting as well as hard floors. Modern technology enables even small battery-operated cleaners to pick up debris efficiently without worrying about replacement bags.

What to Consider Before Buying a Bagless Vacuum Cleaner

There are a lot of aspects you have to factor in before purchasing a bagless vac. To understand which model suits your living arrangement the most, you have to look out for the following:

  • Floor surface. If you have a lot of carpeting in your home, you should look towards purchasing an upright vacuum. Otherwise, feel free to choose any type you want.
  • Maneuverability. If you own lots of furniture and upholstery, give preference to handheld and cordless cleaners.
  • Dustbin capacity. The amount of dust you can collect in one session is one of the most important characteristics of a bagless cleaner. The larger your rooms, the bigger the capacity you need.
  • Emptying system. Consider choosing a model that has a quick-release system that requires a simple button press to empty the container.